~Happy Holidays~
It's that time of year again! Yes the font colors are now green and red, preparing for this upcoming Holiday Season 2010! I'm so very excited for new the holiday spirit! Apparently Blogger is being "Scrooge" because it's not allowing me change my layout to the Christmas season. However, font colors are not stopping me from sharing Christmas joy! I've created this graphic for my knitting business, "Anna Elizabeth Designs." To prepare for the holiday season, I've already knitted a pair of pink baby booties. I'm also starting another pair of baby booties as well. I have found a pattern over the summer I've fallen in love with thi
s Thanksgiving break, it might be my signature style for awhile. Baby booties may be taking the spotlight this season, we will see, I'm still making baby hats! As far as Black Friday goes, I am sorry I have to close down the shop for awhile, but IT WILL BE BACK UP SOON! I PROMISE! Stay tune and become a facebook fan if you already haven't:

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