So I hadn't got a chance to post my knitting of the week. So here's my to do list and goals!!
1.) Sunflower Socks: Variegated with yellow, purple, green colorways.. just casted on the dpns last night! I could finish them this week. Since I was in North Carolina, I didn't have the yarn to do socks..I like finger weight yarn for my socks-especially for summer weather and spring weather.
2.) Sophie's Spring Set: I started this set on Tuesday morning before my flights, however it got messed up somehow. The yarn got tangled within the knitting-so I had to restart yesterday morning. I got the hat done by noon yesterday (very quick!)
3.) Flowers: I'm about to start knitting my pink and purple flowers for Sophie's Spring Set in a few minutes after I blog.
4.) Baby booties: For Sophie's Spring Set... could be starting this later today or next week (we'll see).
Oh- I'm going to start learning cables soon, and just got my first cable needle set yesterday at The Yarn Basket!! I'm excited!
I think that's it for now..
Happy Knittings!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs