Sunday, May 29, 2011

Knitting Scrapbook

So I LOVE crafts, any time. I hope to start dying yarn soon after we move. We're too busy this summer with everything sadly. But anyways. I started the title page for my knitting scrapbook. I already order the prints from Shutterfly. I want my scrapbook to be girly as possible-I know... but it's knitting right? Not that I'm saying that knitting is girly haha. I'm figuring I'll do a page a day with my scrapbook so I won't have to stress about it and have fun with it. Plus I'll post a page a week (I'll choose Saturdays for this.) Scrapbook Saturdays! I love that... even though it is Sunday. But I love Saturdays. I'll also create a page for this if I have enough pages (Blogger only allows 10 pages.. not bad.)

Happy Knittings!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

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