Saturday, October 1, 2011


Hm-lots to say! Yes, I designed the graphic above.. and blogged yesterday over at the HPKCHC. I feel like there's lots to do, but then again not really. Okay first off-I started working on the Evenstar shawl again, yes! I'm really considering in trying to finish that this month...don't know why, just had that itch! I did one round this morning-yahoo (and it has 560 or 580 stitches, whatever the amount calls for..)

KNIT-A-LONGS this month:

1.) EEKAL OCT 2011: The graphic above is for my group on Raverly. The new patterns are now posted for the KAL's.

2.) HPKCHC: New classes! I'm hoping to finish the scarf tomorrow or at some point later today-in hopes to use it for one of the classes this month.

3.) SOCKTOBERFEST: I recall back joining this group long time ago, but missed last year's Socktoberfest. Since it's the first day of October-I have this one goal, learn to magic loop and get back into socks. I at least want to do one pair of magic loop socks-cuff down. I tried toe up, they're okay-a bit tricky, and had no idea what I was doing... and at the same time, it felt strange. But that's my goal for this month.

Stitches East 2011: Yeah! It's this month! I'm excited and cannot wait... I still need to make an on-going list of the things I want to purchase. I'll make a blog entry about that at some point as well! This will be my first fiber festival. It's only two hours away from me too! Are you going?

Knitting Goals for this October: 
1.) Stitches East 2011 Scarf: We're already getting chilly weather, and my scarf would be perfect.

2.) Evenstar Shawl: I just picked it back up again, and it felt weird knitting it. "Weird" and "strange" seem to fit today! My goal is to finish it this month.

Knitting Goals for November: 

1.) Finish Alex's Blanket: I'm halfway there now, and need to get more yarn to continue.

2.) Finish Astronomy OWL: For a sec, I thought I was still writing under the subtitle for October's goals, and well that freaked me out! Haha, this isn't due until November. I'm already at the halfway mark, and need to take a photo either today or tomorrow to post in the "Midterm" thread on the HPKCHC's group.

Well that's about it!

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