Sunday, March 6, 2011

Catching up with blogging..

Yes, I hadn't blogged a lot this week, so I am catching up with blogging this morning. As I mentioned in my last post-I finished a lot of projects I've been working on for months. So now basically I'm somewhat project free (a knitter's dream). Yes I've finished the Fairytale blanket, and photos will be posted soon-it depends if I add extra sides and something else to it. For right now I'm just leaving it alone and saying it's completed. So for this week...

What's on my needles:
1.) Summer Lace Capelet
I'm still working on this, and started it a few days ago. It's coming really well, and I've modified the pattern a bit. However, sad to say-that I ran out of yarn from China Town. But luckily we're going on a Yarn Crawl this upcoming Saturday (March 11th). I'm excited!!

2.) Summer Tank Top??
I'm not sure but I'm thinking about starting a summer tank top. I hadn't really started it quite yet.. but only one row, and may have to start over-or I might just wait until this Saturday at the Yarn Crawl to get more yarn and inspiration.

3.) Summer Scarf
This project is going well, and is mid-way to almost done. : ).

Ah yes I'm finally working on summer projects... or well spring projects!!

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