Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer ELEVEN Fashion

Earlier in blogging I've mentioned the Carrot Top I'm working on, I'm still working on it. I'm making very good progress!! I am defiantly making a page for Summer Eleven Fashion, since now I'm starting getting into sweaters and tanks for the summer. As for my Carrot Top, I might finish it in Disney!! Yesterday I've worked on the shoulders, and hopefully I'll get past that part since I completed the shoulders.

Next up on my list of sweaters and tanks is the "Make Up Your Mind" tank, I think I already made up my mind in wanting to knit this! ;). haha. I might start it at Disney after finishing the Carrot Top of course!

Shawls! I'm still working on a Baktus shawl, and not really sure if I'm going to take that with me or not. I want to focus on these two projects at Disney. I don't want to take a lot with me.

Socks! I am bringing socks to Disney with me, will help to wait in line for rides and things in between.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cute Cotton! Baby Hat

So just a few seconds ago, I thought of a cute idea for a cotton set to celebrate summer. I'm thinking of doing a Cowgirl Cotton set, with possibly two cow baby bibs-one black and one red. I might even include a matching hat (we'll see.) However, I just started a cotton hat (not related to this set) to celebrate summer, and to add another hat to the OWl examine I'm doing for the Harry Potter knitting. I think I might be up to 14 hats now?? I do a hat every now and then, and especially when I go somewhere (like I'm about to now.) Knitting hats are an easy project to travel with. Socks are okay, however I'm always afraid that I'll lose a DPN (like I did with the boat sigh.) And I'm afraid to lose my knitpicks DPNS as well (the metal ones that are really slippery.)

Anyways, those are my thoughts I might do in the future. Not sure if I'll start it today or during Disney. (We'll see.) At least I want a baby project going... they're so simple and easy. And I finished the baby sweater yesterday!

Happy Summer of knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby's Summer Sweater Part Three

I'll post the links to the previous blog entries, however the sweater is done!!!! I'm guessing it's about 300 yards or 400 yards.. for this sweater. I'm guessing 300. It can be either for a boy or girl, even though the background is a little girlish (sorry!) I wanted a cute background photo for the sweater.

Size: 6 months.

This is the first finished object for this week yipee!!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Four Days & FO's!

Four days till DISNEY!
& Major FO's!

I'm super excited about this week! It's actually going by really fast than I expected for Disney. I still need to finish some projects, and to finish packing. I'm in the mood to finish some projects before I leave for Disney, that way I can actually start something very new when I return (July 3rd.)

Since I have finishitis I have almost finished:

1.) A baby's summertime sweater. (I might change the name, and I just got a couple of ends to weave in!)

2.) Christmas knitting (almost done, just got to decrease!)

3.) Maybe a pair of socks, that's the next thing up to finish. But I may take this to Disney with me and on the plane.

What are your FO's?
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy First Day of Summer!

Splashing into Summer!

Welcome Summer 2011!!! Woot! I'm so excited and ecstatic I will be leaving for Disney this Sunday! I didn't realize this is actually the first day of summer until several posts from my friends' facebook statuses! Haha! I'm thinking about posting something Harry Potter related each day, like the theme song and such-like a mini countdown. I also may be posting a lot less next week-of course Disney!

Here's what I'm going to have as FO's this week:
1.) The baby sweater (I'm working on the second sleeve, finished the right side, now just got to finish the left yay!)
2.) Maybe Nannie's Rainy Day Socks. (maybe.)

1.) The same old blanket.... The Longest Long term blanket. I knit on it every now and then.
2.) I'm going to frog half of my sweater that I messed up on, The Carrot Top. So I can bring it to Disney.
3.) My "Mystery" shawl.. it's not really a mystery, but more of a secret gift for somebody for Christmas. It is a shawl though, and on my Raverly project page. It's the first project.

That's basically all I can think of now.
Happy Knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Blogging Less | A week to Disney!

So I realize I haven't been blogging a lot, been busy with family this week! Yesterday we went sailing for two hours which was fun and relaxing. Yes, I did bring knitting. Yes, I really wanted to knit on the boat. However, I lost a DPN I needed to knit with in the car on the way to the docks : (. I could've gotten two hours worth of knitting. Sadly, I probably won't be blogging a lot this week either, or the week after-I'll be in Disney! Today marks the one week till Disney!!! I'm hesitating to pack today or wait till later this week. I might just pack today and get it over with. So...

The KNITTING I hope to FINISH this week:
1.) Father Day socks [I got to the heel flap finally on the first sock today, I know it's late.. but I'm sure I can get them done this week hopefully.]
2.) The baby's yellow summertime shirt. I only have two more steps to do, I could finish it today or tomorrow. [Might finish it after I do the packing.]

That's basically it for the knitting this week.. shocker.. I'm sure there's more.

The KNITTING I hope to PACK:
1.) Socks! (Nannie's Rainy Day socks, and perhaps the second sock of Father's Day socks.)
2.) My red yarn.. I'm not sure how much yarn I'm going to bring with me. That's one of them. I'm dying to knit something out of red.
3.) My Carrot Top!! I'm hoping to fix it later this week and to be able to bring that project with me.
4.) Harry Potter OWl hats.

I'm taking a mini tote bag or something so I'll probably pack my knitting stuff in there.
Happy Summer!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sock Plans | Colorway Comfort

Well I feel like I haven't blogged in awhile, nor checked my blog. Today I've got a whole bunch of sock yarn at Joann's! Yes! I've been meaning to add to my sock yarn stash ever since I've started knitting socks. I have plans for each of the sock yarn-including some of them related to Twilight (maybe.) I had searched on Rav for Twilight sock patterns, but sadly they are charts and they have 64 sts co, I'm no where near 64 sts co. Right now I'm (well last night) I started to knit for Father's Day. I've been trying to think of gifts to knit..

Twilight Socks: Here's my plan, I got a firey-looking red that I love. I do like red, but not that much-so I'm stepping out of colorway comfort (hey I like how that sounds!) First I thought of Vampire Red for my socks. I have not started these socks yet... but I am taking them to Disney. I like sketching out plans for socks. I'm not really sure of how I can make them relate to Twilight than just the red.

Anyways-those are just a few of my sock plans. I might be using my signature sock pattern I have for all of the socks, unless I find an easy, my size kind of sock patterns. I love socks! [But I might have a sock burn out this summer... sad to say. I'm already itching to cast on a pair for me, since both socks I'm working on is gifts. Self-fish I know ha!]

Happy Knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weekly Review #1 | Baby Hats!

Sorry weekly reviews are a bit late to start! Let's make them on Mondays right? Any who, here's a simple review this week: BABY HATS! As you know I'm participating in Harry potter's Knitting & Crocheting House Cup on Raverly. My OWl examine consists of creating 25 baby hats by August, sounds a lot right? I already have about eleven done (need to finish one to count it but I probably will at the last minute, haha.) I love baby hats they're so quick and easy, and fast. I started one last night, and just finished it. I would've finished it last night but it was getting pretty late for me. But here's the baby hat with ribbing named, "Cute baby Ribbing Hat." I'm also posting this for the Stash Dash, hey it's more yardage! More like 40 yardage.. haha.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Baby's Summertime Shirt Part Two

I wouldn't say I'm almost done with the front-however I'm at the eight inches mark and got a whole another inch (9 inches mainly) before I come across the sleeves and collar. I should have the sweater done hopefully maybe tonight or tomorrow... or by any means I'm guessing this week. It will get finished! Aww... aren't baby sweaters just easy to knit than adult size like my own sweater I'm knitting? More updates on my Carrot Top sweater will come soon once I start to work on it again it's been in hibernation.

Happy Knitting! Sorry it was a quick update!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Baby's Summertime Shirt

So last summer (Summer 2010), I started knitting and also completed two sweaters. I realized what I should start is a summer baby sweater tradition. I could either donate or sell these. I found a really cute and easy pattern that's knit in separate pieces. I'm working on the back now and it's up to 4" already just from this morning! It is bright yellow since it's still raining and a little stormy. So it'll be perfect for either a baby boy or girl, not sure if it's going to be a set yet-we'll see. It's an easy St St so I love it! More posts as I continue to knit this and of course photos!

~Happy Knittings~
Anna Elizabeth Designs

Saturday, June 11, 2011

What's on my needles | I LOVE RAIN!

Yes, I love rain and a good rainy Saturday like today! Hmm maybe a couple of storms I hope? Not sure about that one. It's been a good knitting morning so far, I'm almost done working on my boyfriend's Christmas gift for this year. (Six more months til Christmas wow!)

Here's what I'm CURRENTLY working on-only two projects.
1.) A log cabin washcloth (Well two or four log cabin washcloths, depending how much I can get done by Father's Day which is tomorrow I think..)
2.) My boyfriend's Christmas gift. (I'm almost done, about to do another inch it's at six inches, but I think it might need one more. Then I'll start decreasing and I'll be done! I'll defiantly get the gift done today yahoo!)

Those are the only two projects I'm currently working on today. Might cast on another pair of socks using my favorite and signature pattern for socks, Classic Sock pattern. (I love it!!) This will defiantly be my purse and take-everywhere knitting! I'm using my Knitpicks yarn I got a few weeks ago for this. I really wish my needles would come in! They might come in on Monday.

Happy Knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs
PS: The Monkey socks? Yeah, that's a no go. I didn't like the pattern the first place, not sure why. I should've frogged then and saved the amount of time knitting, but you know that gut feeling you're starting out right, and in hopes it'll turn out right? Yeah... that's what happened.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Monkey Socks Update!

The first sock is ALMOST done, just defiantly got to finish the toe decrease and I'm a little procrastinating. Maybe it's because I've been focusing on it all day yesterday (finished the six repeats, turning the heel, the heel flap, and the gusset all in one day! Of course this was up to about 10pm last night..and I don't usually stay up that late!) I think I have five more toe decreases to do before I finish the entire sock. It is important to me since the Monkey socks by Cookie A are a popular and challenging pattern and I'm excited that I'm almost done with the first sock. In high hopes I want to cast on and finish the second sock (plus finishing the pair..) this week. Maybe do a repeat a day or something this week since I'll be busy with family. (We'll see..) I hope to finish the toe decrease tonight or tomorrow.

Happy Knittings!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Thursday, June 9, 2011

TURNING HEEL| I haven't blogged today!

Wow I haven't blogged today, the title is right! (ha). It defiantly stormed today too (happy dance, I love a good storm as long as it doesn't bring tornadoes! We do get tornadoes around here.) It's a little rainy now, but I never saw the sky got so dark so quickly-it scared me! I thought we were under a weather watch but we weren't thankfully. Anyways, how about to the knitting?

Remember the Startis Monkey Socks? Yes, I'm still working on them! I'm glad I didn't rip it out, I had a feeling I would LOVE the pattern-it's beautiful! It looks a little big to me, but I'm not working with pattern socks like this. I am still a little nervous about the Cookie A patterns (didn't think they'd be difficult-but I was wrong haha-but it's still good!) The heel flap is great and not complicated-and I'm even thinking about turning the heel on the first sock. (Didn't think I would get to this point in the sock!) I finished the six repeats in the pattern it calls for, and I'm nearly done with the heel flap! Yes! Photos will be coming soon (I've taken photos of the progress.) And defiantly finished photos will be up after both socks are done.

-This weekend I'm hoping to finish the first sock, and maybe start the second sock.
-Tomorrow most likely I'll begin the gusset if I'm in the mood for it, and probably the gusset decrease.
-I know I probably won't get both pair done but there's a good chance this weekend, however I'm planning on finishing the pair this week.

I think once a week-I'll complete or either start a pair of socks, just to have an FO. This will be great for finishing up Christmas gifts!!

Happy Knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs
PS: Can you tell I love socks?! : )

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Focused Part Two

In Focused blog entry #1 (this is obviously part two) I've been focused to get a pair of socks completed and I did! I love being focused when it comes to just one project. However-I have more than one project on the needles, and before I start anything new-I really need to get one off the needles. I guess you can say I have finishitis, and yesterday I had startis with a pair of new socks I casted on (My Startis Monkey Socks). I tried to focus on that today to get it to a place to do the heel flap and maybe even put in the heel. However, I didn't want to get tired and frustrated with the lace pattern (since it is a challenge than I thought it would be) but I decided to focus on the Carrot Top. I haven't worked on this since my mom's birthday last weekend. I got a huge chunk of it done today and just about to continue to work on it. (See focus! ha!) I'm guessing I'll have a focused series going on.

Here's the other projects I hope to finish: (Starting in the order.)
1.) Carrot Top
2.) My Diamond scarf (I didn't rip it, and glad I didn't just because of finishitis.. and the Knitgirlll's Stash Dash)
3.) My blanket (Okay, this one I'm not too picky unless I'm down to the wire of the ending stripes. I'll work on this every now and then. It's been a long time since I've worked on it actually.)
4.) A new pair of socks (hm.. these just got casted on yesterday, might save it for tomorrow or this weekend. These probably won't get done any time soon.)

How do you stay focused?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Startis Monkey Socks

So I started on another pair of socks.. because of startis for socks, I just put them down for a break and now I really want to pick them up again. I don't know, but I love socks-maybe I can just review them on my Facebook page as well under the section "notes". But Addi's Turbos (bronze) will be the first review. However with these socks-I'm trying out a new pattern- Monkey by Cookie A! This pattern is free, and I've always wanted to try to knit her patterns. Normally her patterns have charts and I don't have the skills to read charts yet and follow a key to match the symbols. However, this one comes in written instructions and I'm printed them out. And yes, they are for the Stash Dash as well as a Christmas present for someone. I wouldn't mark this blog post as a review quite yet since I'm trying out the pattern. Photos will come probably after I do the first repeat (it has 11 rounds total for a repeat.) But we'll see! I'm about to do a swatch photo. (I'm getting really good at taking swatch pictures- and pictures along the way of the process of knitting haha!)

Happy Knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Facebook Notes: Weekly Knitting Reviews

So I've been considering a lot lately to do Facebook Weekly knitting reviews. The list is below of what I desire to review. I'll probably plan on Tuesdays or Mondays, I feel like today is Monday.. haha. But I will also be posting the reviews on blogger-maybe create a page but we'll see. I want to save pages (blogger only allows 10 pages, and I already have quite a few pages.) These reviews will take place on Fridays. Maybe I'll plan the reviews on Thursday, write up a draft-and then type them up on Fridays and publish on Facebook. Here's the thing-this is going to be a legit review. It'll probably have photos, maybe even an album on it's own. I might even put in links or a video on techniques I learn during the week (like cabling.) I will either introduce the reviews on Wednesday.

Here's what I desire to review:

1.) Addi's Turbos Circs (the first review that will be coming this Friday.)
2.) Knitting techniques-the latest one I've learned is cabling.
3.) Favorite stitches
4.) Knitting Podcasts

I hope to keep track of the reviews in a journal type documents as my drafts.
Happy Knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs


Yesterday I've been focused on completing one project and somehow I did get them done! I'm talking about a pair of socks, but I'm not going to describe them since they are for someone. My next socks hopefully will be a pair of Monkeys by Cookie A. (We'll see...) I started a new project which hopefully will take a day or two, maybe three. I'm staying focused on this one as well. I like getting stuff done like this if I remain my focus. That's the main key of this blog entry. If you want to see my latest project-you need to be on Raverly in order to see it. I'm not posting the blog draft I saved last night. Anyways.. that's where I am on this point! Also-no photos on this project I'm working on either- we can call it my secret gift knitting. But the photos will be on Raverly. There are already some of the progress photos, and I've completed the first repeat. Here's a clue: Cables! Yes!

Happy Knitting!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Little Black Cauldron Done!

Here is the final photo for Little Black Cauldron!! I'm about to post this to the HP's Care of Magical Creatures page on their Rav group.

Little Black Cauldron Sock bag!

The knitting is done! Now I just need to get fabric and knit the I-Cord (about to start knitting that..) anyways enjoy the photos!

Care of Magical Creatures Class-June 2011

Option 2: Create an alternative “Cauldron” so pretty or unique that a witch or wizard would rather use YOUR creation than harvest a Fire Crab shell! Not all cauldrons are round and black – come up with your own container that a witch or wizard could use to mix a spell or carry potions ingredients.

I keep changing my mind about which class to take this June 2011 for Hogwarts' knitting. However, I think I came to conclusion last night. I just need a small project. However, I may still be working on my Scarf for the Stash Dash 2011. (I'll make it a link to my blog post on that one..maybe..) I've been working on socks every now and then and just got to a heel flap on the second sock I'm working on. So I decided to take Care of Magical Creatures. Above in the purple font is the prompt for the class. I'm making ANOTHER sock bag, hey-I wanted to for awhile after I finished the Charlie Brown & Lucy one. I made huge changes into this design however, to make it a bit bigger to hold yarn and my hat needles. So far I'm liking the size which is a good thing. I did a swatch, and I'm probably going to edit that photo in just a few minutes. I usually take cell phone pictures for swatches and progress photos (just quicker!) I love the Harry Potter KAL. This is the second month of it-and sadly I think July marks the last month of it. It all went by so quickly! But back to the assignment.. haha. The sock bag. I'm loving the size, the shape so far. I'm thinking of calling it my "Little Black Cauldron" just for the fun of it! But we'll see.

Here's my little story after I would post it to their Rav's board.
My "Little Black Cauldron" sock bag will brew potions such as hats, baby hats, and socks for my muggle friends.

Okay-so that's all I've got haha!
Happy Knittings!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs
PS: Photos will be coming shortly (Progress photos)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Knitgirlll's Stash Dash 2011

So as in many blog posts I've mentioned about Stash Dash and the yardages for every project I'm knitting on. What is the Stash Dash? Ask the Knitgirlll's! Haha-it's their Stash Dash 2011 this summer. I wasn't really planning on participating in it-but why not? I've been meaning to introduce the Stash Dash, but it's on their Rav's board in their Rav group. Go check it out for rules! Here are the button I've edited and can be found on my Raverly page. (I'm allowed to edit their button for it to personalize it... I think that's great!) Also I'm about to create a new page for it.

Some projects I'm currently working for the Stash Dash (You'll also find the tags on my project pages.)

1.) Carrot Top [A tank top I'm working on-it's bright orange!]
2.) Christmas Present socks (some range to about 275 yards and 375 or 300 yards depending on which pattern.) But socks are an excellent way to use up yardages.
3.) The Longest Long Term Blanket [My "cheating" blanket, haha not really cheating... but it'll probably add up to 2,000 yards once completed. It's not a baby blanket, it's a good size normal blanket.]
4.) Baby hats for HP OWls: I've already done two hats that'll count for the Stash Dash... okay one. One hat is still on the needles I gota finish. These make good traveling projects.
5.) DADA's Homework Scarf: Not sure if I'm going to finish it or frog it. It's a cute scarf, but a little on the boring side pattern. We'll see. It's taking awhile than I thought.

My inner thoughts: Five projects on the needles? Wow, hm... I'm really am aiming to bind stuff off before beginning anything else. Sigh.

~Happy Knittings~
Anna Elizabeth Designs

Friday, June 3, 2011

Longest Long Term Blanket

So I was in deep thought knitting my "Olive Garden Blanket." This blanket has been named three times now, and the last name I just came up with is sticking... which is "Longest Long Term Blanket." It describes knitting, related to knitting, no it doesn't relate to the colorways I've chosen for the blanket. I'm nearly ALMOST done, about to add the ninth purple stripe to the blanket. As I was in deep thought while knitting this... here are some other thought quotations, progressing pictures, and edited fun pictures for Raverly.

My LATEST thoughts:
"This is taking forever!"
"About to add the ninth stripe!"
"This is my longest long term project... hm that's the perfect name!"
"I'm loving this pattern!" (After not knitting on the blanket for awhile.)
"This blanket has become my best friend!" (Seriously it really has.)

As I glanced earlier at my beginning dates of this blanket-I began working on it April 17th, 2011. It's almost been two months working on my blanket. Longest Long term blanket right? Haha.

Enjoy the photos!
Happy Knittings~~
Anna Elizabeth Designs

Thursday, June 2, 2011

They're Done!!

What's done? Why am I moving my green status bar of my projects to 100% on my Raverly notebook project page? Yes! My New England Spring socks are binded off, weaved in ends, and did a little photoshopping for the presentation photos. They're done! Of course I'm excited since now I actually get to finish the very first Christmas gift I've started. I'll get to that sometimes next week, or on Sunday. (I don't want to get burned out on socks too fast, when my Christmas list has nearly depending ten people on it.) Don't get me wrong-I love knitting socks, I liked knitting this pair. However, it was a basic lime green... reminding me of a New England's Spring season. We have those rainy, cold spring seasons and sometimes gray days. That's why I decided to go with green since it's bright and cheerful. These socks are for someone in the family, and they already know who they are but then again I'm not going to put any name down just for the fun of it! So are you ready for the big reveal? I think you are!
On a side note-I really wanted to get these done for the knitgirlll's stash dash 2011. This will add 275 yards. I think each week... I'll post the yardages and such I have thus far.

Harry Potter Classes-June 2011

So yesterday marked the beginning of the new Harry Potter classes for June 2011. I have a feeling I could get mine done this weekend. I'm taking Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA).

HP's Knitting/Crocheting House' prompt for the class:
Option 1: “Only the difference between truth and lies, courage and cowardice”- craft something that reveals a truth about your character, don’t be afraid to let your true self shine.

I'm doing the diamond scarf as many times as I've done it before. It's perfect to do it again for this class, and gives me a reason. I'm using bold colors, loud colors like orange, yellow, bright colors like pink, turquoise blue. I love bright colors and I think it matches my personality. At first I was going to match this scarf up with Charms. However, even though it fits the prompt in one of the options-the option above fits even better. I casted on immediately yesterday and got almost five diamonds done already. Told ya it was a quick scarf! Okay, so I'm not quite done with it yet. But I know last month for the History of Magic socks (Midnight Stroll Socks) I turned them in the last minute, changed classes at the last minute, and posted photos at the last minute. This time I know that's not going to happen... unless I get distracted hehe!

Happy Knittings!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Knitting/Traveling Plans 2011

Good morning! I'm a little awake, slowly waking up-and good morning June 2011!! I am excited! Finally it's June which means Disney in 25 days! Yes! This blog post will be about what's-on-my-needles for this summer, as well as travel plans for the summer. And yes Harry Potter classes are now posted. (And it's about to storm!)

What's on My Needles:
1.) Olive Garden Blanket
My Goal: To finish this blanket... maybe by Disney or my birthday (What a great birthday present to myself it would be!)
2.) Panda Bear
My Goal: It's nearly done, just gota add the nose so she can smell, finish the eyes so she can see, and add the ears so she could hear. Goal complete by: the end of June or defiantly by Disney.
3.) Father's Day Gift (Goal for this month, and done by June 12th. I started yesterday.)
4.) Harry Potter's CHARMS scarf done maybe this week. (I'm excited for this ha.)
5.) Harry Potter's OWl exam.. I have ten hats so far.
6.) Knitgirlll's Stash Dash: All my projects are above are qualified for the knitgirlll's stash dash 2011, just got to add up the yardage and get up to 5,000 yardage as to the 5k.

June 2011:
Disney on June 26-July 3rd! And we're going to Hogwarts! That's why I'm doing the HP knit-a-long.

July 2011:
I might be going to North Carolina to visit my boyfriend for our birthdays. (Our birthdays are right next to each other, mine's the 19th and his the 20th... funny right? Hehe.)

Happy knittings!
~Anna Elizabeth Designs