Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Great News!

Hello!! In combination with "WIPS Wednesdays" I have good news! Hmm... I'll share that at the end ;).

THE WIPS real fast..

1.) Witch in Flight Washcloth: It's a green cotton washcloth-Peaches N' Cream, (I have tons of the green!) I haven't really been working on this all day since I wanted at least a tiny bit of a break from washcloths. But I am getting ready for Halloween (two months early!!)

2.) Pirate Punky Socks: Can't you tell I'm getting into Halloween? Haha.. But really-I got antsy this week for Halloween 2011 stuff...okay now I'm itchy to work on the washcloth! Okay okay, I'm at the heel gusset decrease. This sock seems small to me even though I'm doing it with a really good pattern I always use for socks. [But then again I do have small feet!]

3.) Alex's Tech Blanket: Since from the last two weeks of traveling-I've made lots of progress on it, including starting the second repeat of the blanket pattern. And now I'm just finishing the second repeat. I'm traveling AGAIN this weekend (through Tuesday.)

4.) I feel like there's something else-but I'm forgetting..

HPCKC (Harry Potter Cup Knitting Crocheting) on Raverly.
I made STAFF this Fall 2011! I'm suppper excited! And guess to what?
To blog for them! [Yes I am still blogging for my own personal knitting blog too] I'm super excited to start this!

Click on the link "And guess to what?" to go to their blog.
I MADE sure I signed up for the sorting ceremony so I can be a first year for Fall Term 2011-since I played as a NQFY Spring 2011 (that flew by!)

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